Becoming a Person with a Creative Frame of Mind: A Guide

I’ve always been fascinated by creative individuals and wondered if anyone can cultivate their own creative potential.

In this article, we look at several practical techniques to nurture creativity regardless of your experience level. We’ll provide specific examples to spark your imagination and empower you to think outside the box.

How to Become More Creative in Your Daily Life

A creative person, like an alchemist, can transform existing ideas into novel combinations. Creativity along with the faculty of reasoning separates us from animals and leads to the development of our advanced technological world. Creativity is based on rearranging existing ideas or creating new ones.  

Embrace the Power of “What if?” :
Train your mind to approach everyday situations with curiosity. Look at events from different perspectives, put yourself in other person’s position.
Cultivate your curiosity and open your world view by acquiring knowledge from various sources: books, observations, videos and interactions with people.

Challenge assumptions: Feeling stuck on a problem? For instance, Ask “What if” the opposite approach was the solution? This can lead to innovative breakthroughs.

Step into other shoes: Dealing with a customer complaint? Ask “What if” I was the customer? This cultivates empathy and better solutions.

Expand your knowledge: Read books on design, watch documentaries on history, have coffee with a stranger. An open mind fuels creativity!

Embrace the Unexpected
To stimulate your creativity, break out of your routine and explore new experiences.
You can travel to visit new places, attend workshops on things you are interested in, engage with people with different perspectives for diverse ideas. Sometimes one observation can spark a new idea.

Instead of your usual morning coffee, explore a local museum or art gallery. Immerse yourself in new sights and sounds to trigger fresh inspiration.

Sign up for a workshop outside your usual interests, like cooking, dancing, or public speaking. Stepping outside your comfort zone unlocks unexpected creative potential

Keep a Creativity Journal:
Keep a journal and capture fleeting ideas and your observations for future inspiration.
Not all of the ideas will be good but over time they accumulate, and you will have many creative ideas. One practice I found very useful is writing 20 ideas per day about any topic that will bring practical value to your life. It is mentioned by Earl Nightingale and later James Althuscher
If 20 is too much you can try 10 ideas. If you do this practice regularly you will observe you will develop your ability to generate ideas almost in demand.

Practice Meditation: Sharpen your focus and enhance awareness through regular meditation.
Scientific research backs up the effects of meditation as not only stress release but it also increases coherence in the brain, stimulates creativity. I recommend Transcendental Meditation for its practical effects.

  • Quiet the mind: Disengage from distracting thoughts and anxieties.
  • Sharpen your focus: Increase your ability to concentrate on the present moment.
  • Enhance awareness: Heighten your feeling of internal and external stimuli.
  • Spark inspiration: Open yourself to new ideas and creative connections.

You can also try a brief mindfulness exercise by focusing on your breath for a few minutes. Simply observe each inhale and exhale, bringing your attention back if it wanders. This can be done sitting or standing in a quiet place.

Challenge Yourself with Creative Prompts:
Creative prompts are cues or suggestions designed to inspire and stimulate creative thinking. 

You can use them in various fields, including writing, drawing, painting, music composition, problem-solving, and even brainstorming new ideas for everyday tasks.

They are

Open-Ended and Versatile:

  • “Create a story that begins with the sentence, ‘In a world where shadows come to life…'”
  • “Illustrate a scene inspired by the emotions evoked by your favorite song.”

Imaginative and Engaging:

  • “Imagine a society where dreams are traded as a form of currency. What would be the consequences?”
  • “Describe a scenario where an ordinary object gains magical properties, transforming the mundane into the extraordinary.”

Flexible and Encouraging:

  • “Craft a short story suitable for both children and adults, featuring a character who discovers a mysterious key.”
  • “Start writing without worrying about perfection. Allow your ideas to flow freely for the next 10 minutes.”

Some examples of creative prompts


  • Write a poem from the perspective of an object.
  • Rewrite a classic fairytale from the villain’s point of view.


  • How could you use a brick to improve your daily routine?
  • Reimagine a common household object for a different purpose.


  • Imagine you can control one element perfectly (water, fire, earth, air) for 24 hours. What would you do, and what unexpected consequences might arise?
  • Create a short story where the main character’s only form of communication is through smell.
  • You wake up one morning with a peculiar ability: you can understand and converse with animals. Who do you talk to, and what do you learn?
  • Design a board game based on a historical event or a scientific concept.
  • Combine two seemingly unrelated concepts, like “baking” and “astronomy,” and create a story or a piece of art based on the fusion.
  • Imagine a world where silence is valued more than speech. Describe societal norms and communication methods in this world.

Igniting Creativity in Your Professional Work

Practice Reverse Brainstorming

This technique involves finding potential ways to cause a problem rather than solve it. It is similar to inversion thinking.
To reduce the risks, approach challenges by exploring “what could go wrong.”  With that analysis you can see the weak links in the chain, uncover underlying issues and generate creative solutions when flipped back to the positive side. 

Collaborate with Diverse Teams

Actively seek out teammates from different backgrounds, cultures, and disciplines. During brainstorming sessions, encourage everyone to share their unique perspectives and viewpoints. Respectfully challenge each other’s ideas to spark deeper exploration and ultimately reach more innovative and inclusive solutions. 

Example: A company’s marketing struggles with generic ideas for a new coffee bean launch. Manager suggests collaborating with sales, design, and sustainability teams for diverse perspectives. This sparks innovative ideas for a successful campaign. 

Schedule “Thinking Time”
As our bodies and minds rest and rejuvenate during night sleep, we also need to regularly take some breaks and evaluate our learning or work. By dedicating time for focused brainstorming and strategic planning we can create more efficient solutions and come up with innovative ideas.

Block off 30 minutes in your calendar, first thing in the morning or before a key meeting. Avoid distractions, silence notifications, and let your mind wander. This dedicated time cultivates creative problem-solving and strategic planning

Embrace Constraint and Imperfection
Adopt a growth mindset and view limitations as opportunities and learn from your creative endeavors.
A research by Isaksen and Treffinger shows that well-designed constraints enhance creative thinking, stimulate problem-solving and encourage original solutions. 

In 1970, NASA and the Apollo 13 crew creatively addressed a life-threatening constraint following an oxygen tank explosion, threatening life support systems. Through innovative solutions like improvised repairs and efficient resource use, they ensured the crew’s survival, exemplifying how limitations inspire inventive problem-solving in critical situations.

Use Mind Mapping

My whole learning and working life improved when I learned mind mapping.
Harness the power of mind mapping software to visually organize your thoughts and ideas

  1. Prepare Tools: Gather paper or use digital apps like Miro/XMind.
  2. Centralize Topic: Place the main topic at the map’s center.
  3. Visual Enhancement: Use bold titles and images for emphasis.
  4. Branch Out Key Ideas: Radiate from the center with colors/shapes.
  5. Add Details: Deepen understanding by layering details, examples, and connections.
  6. Inject Personality: Keep it engaging with arrows, icons, or playful sketches.
  7. Make it a Creative Playground: Enjoy the process and enhance your learning experience.

By connecting branches in mind maps you can explore solutions, unveil relationships, and ignite creative connections. This powerful method boosts brainstorming, problem-solving, and project planning while enhancing clarity and efficiency.

Enriching Your Creative Journey

Learning Creativity

Expand Your Creative Toolkit: Engage in Creative Courses or Workshops  

Expand your creative toolbox by exploring courses or workshops designed to hone specific skills like photography, coding, or public speaking. 

Delve into problem-solving techniques like design thinking or lateral thinking to tackle challenges with fresh perspectives. 

These structured learning experiences offer guided practice, expert feedback, and a supportive community.  Master new skills, spark creativity, and build confidence in your creative journey.

Start Exploring online for courses or workshops. Local community centers might offer exciting options too!

Read Books on Creativity

You can gain valuable insights and perspectives through reading. In fact, one idea in a book can ignite your creativity and open up a new dimension in your thinking. Successful people in all walks of life are avid readers. Some read four to five thousands books in their lifetimes from different topics.
There are many books on creativity:

“Creative Confidence” by Tom Kelley and David Kelley, emphasizes unlocking creative potential.
Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert inspires a fearless approach to creativity.
Originals” by Adam Grant explores fostering originality.
Mindset” by Carol S. Dweck focuses on developing a growth mindset crucial for creativity.
“The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron is a classic guide to unlocking creativity, offering exercises and techniques for individuals in various creative fields.
“ThinkerToys” by Michael Michalko will spark your creativity and problem-solving skills with playful brain exercises.

Follow Inspiring Individuals

Connect with inspiring individuals and learn from their creative processes.
You can connect to people like photographers writers ceramic artists painters by local workshops.

If you can’t meet such people in your local environment then there are many successful practitioners who can mentor you online. You will learn and evolve much faster by having a direct one on one communication with them.
I once thought about getting lessons from a professional guitarist mentored by world-renowned musician!

You can also follow them on social media blogs or podcasts books or courses if they have any.

Observe their creative process, learn from their experiences, and discover new perspectives.

Build a Conducive Creative Environment

Transform a designated space for your creative pursuits. A clear and clutter-free workspace helps you focus better.

Surround yourself with inspiration. Decorate with artwork, photographs, or quotes that resonate with your creative spirit. These visuals can act as powerful prompts, igniting new ideas and fueling your creative flow.

Embrace the power of natural light. If possible, maximize its presence in your sanctuary.
Sunlight or therapy lamps  boosts mood and alertness. Position your workspace strategically for maximum sunlight. Cultivate an environment that encourages creativity and boosts productivity.

Invite the calming influence of nature like plants, flowers, or textures into your surroundings. Connect with nature to encourage mindfulness, alleviate stress, and spark creativity.

Books Enrich your bookshelf with diverse subjects like science, history, literature, and philosophy. Reading widens knowledge, challenges perspectives, and sparks creativity. Each book, a source of inspiration, offers varied insights and perspectives to fuel your creative thinking.

Versatile Seating: Create a flexible seating arrangement to accommodate various creative activities. Having options encourages adaptability and a dynamic work atmosphere.

Aromatherapy: Consider incorporating calming scents through candles, essential oils, or diffusers. Pleasant aromas can enhance the ambiance and contribute to a positive, focused mindset.

Interactive Tools: Include interactive tools like a whiteboard or corkboard to jot down ideas, goals, or visual inspirations. This adds a dynamic aspect to your creative space.

Comfortable Workspace: Invest in ergonomic furniture to ensure comfort during extended creative sessions, promoting physical well-being and sustained focus.

Play music that evokes emotions and spark imagination. Include tunes that bring joy for a positive atmosphere. Listening enhances focus, boosts mood and triggers creative breakthroughs. Music is a powerful ally in your creative space, influencing the overall atmosphere.

Final Thoughts

You can become a person with a creative frame of mind by nurturing your creativity.

Embrace “what if?Challenge assumptions and immerse yourself in new experiences. Cultivate curiosity, capture fleeting ideas, and use powerful techniques to fuel your creative flow.

Remember, limitations can inspire, and consistent practices can sharpen your creative skills. Professionally, you can leverage diverse collaboration and strategic tools to amplify your thinking. Design an inspiring environment and connect with mentors.

By integrating these strategies, you unlock your creativity, enrich every aspect of your life and thrive in a world of constant change.

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