What is More Important Creativity or Knowledge

Every day we hear about automation increasing, but at the same time the demand for human ingenuity, creativity and insight is soaring. Knowledge and creativity, seemingly two different concepts, do not compete with each other but are dynamically connected. Faced with a deluge of information, distinguishing truth from noise becomes increasingly…

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To Teach is To Learn Twice: Master Anything Faster

The great ancient philosopher Aristotle once stated, 'Teaching is the highest form of understanding.'This profound insight reveals the dual nature of teaching: it deepens our understanding and promotes personal growth,  benefiting both teacher and student. In this article, we will explore how teaching sharpens your mental edge, enriching your knowledge…

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Overwhelmed by Learning From Scratch? 15 Tips to Conquer the Challenge

In today's fast-paced world, knowledge is power. But with new information emerging rapidly, it can be daunting to keep up. Learning new things from scratch can be overwhelming and stressful. In this article, we will first quickly look at the reasons why we feel overwhelmed by learning from scratch and…

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15 Success Tips for International Students (Helpful Examples)

International students in the United States need to be productive to succeed in their studies, work, and personal lives. However, it can be difficult to know where to start with so much going on,  Apply these 15 practical success tips for international students (to avoid unnecessary frustration, skyrocket your performance…

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