Learn High Velocity Decision Making with Examples

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the need to make quick choices? Welcome to the age of high-velocity decision making (HVDM)! 

It’s the ability to navigate fast-paced situations and seize fleeting opportunities. This guide will equip you with the tools and techniques to make smart, swift choices in your personal and professional life.

Learn to identify your HVDM triggers, embrace “good enough” data, and use powerful communication hacks.
Get ready to conquer uncertainty and make decisions that drive success!

The Core Principles of HVDM

High-Velocity Decision Making, or HVDM, is the ability to make good choices quickly.
You need HVDM when you’re under pressure and things are constantly changing.
With HDVM you recognize opportunities where speed is crucial and act with confidence based on available information.
HVDM isn’t just for business. It can be a powerful tool in your personal life too.

Identify Your HVDM Triggers

The key to effective HVDM is knowing when to use it. Develop a personal trigger list – situations that signal the need for swift decisions. Here are some examples for both business and personal applications:

  • Business:
    • Rapidly changing markets (e.g., responding to a competitor’s surprise launch)
    • Time-sensitive opportunities (e.g., a limited-time vendor discount)
    • Emerging crises (e.g., a system outage affecting customer service)
  • Personal:
    • Capitalizing on unexpected deals (e.g., snagging a surprise discount on a plane ticket to your dream destination)
    • Responding to spontaneous invitations (e.g., deciding on a last-minute concert ticket with a friend)
    • Seizing fleeting experiences (e.g., joining a group fitness class offered in the park)

By identifying your HVDM triggers, you train yourself to be more decisive in situations where swift action can make a difference. Remember, a well-informed, quick decision often outweighs a perfect decision that arrives too late.

HVDM in Action: Making Speedy Choices That Count

High-Velocity Decision Making (HVDM) isn’t just a fancy business term. It’s a skill that can benefit you both professionally and personally. Here’s how it translates into real-world wins:

  • Business Example: Riding the wave of a celebrity endorsement. Imagine you’re the social media manager for a fitness apparel brand. A popular celebrity is spotted wearing your company’s yoga pants during a workout class. With HVDM, you can jump on this unexpected publicity. You could quickly create a social media post featuring the celebrity in your product, tagging them and using relevant hashtags. You could also reach out to the celebrity’s team to explore potential collaboration opportunities. By acting fast and capitalizing on this social media buzz, you can generate excitement for your brand and potentially reach a wider audience.
  • Personal Example: Craving a change of scenery? You’re browsing through social media when you see a friend post about a last-minute sale on tickets to a music festival you’ve been wanting to attend. With HVDM, you can quickly check your bank account, see if you can swing it, and snag a ticket before they sell out. Seize the opportunity to experience new music and create lasting memories with friends.

The Core of HVDM: Speed, Calculated Risks, and “Good Enough” Data

Making swift decisions is crucial in HVDM, but not at the expense of quality. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Speed is king: Time is of the essence. Don’t get bogged down in overthinking – gather the necessary information, analyze it quickly, and act decisively.
  • Calculated risks: Don’t be afraid to take educated chances. HVDM doesn’t mean jumping blindly. Analyze the situation, weigh potential outcomes, and make a well-informed decision even with some uncertainty.
  • “Good Enough” data: Waiting for every detail can be paralyzing. In a fast-paced environment, HVDM empowers you to leverage “good enough” data to make timely decisions and capitalize on opportunities

Building Team Buy-In with “Disagree and Commit”

Popularized by Amazon, “Disagree and Commit” cultivates clear communication in teams:

  • Open Discussion and Commitment: Team members openly discuss different perspectives. Once a decision is made, everyone commits to supporting it, putting aside personal doubts. This fosters collaboration and a unified front.

HVDM in Action: Strong and Flexible Teams

By mastering HVDM, you can make impactful choices quickly. “Disagree and Commit” encourages positive debate, stopping disagreements from slowing progress. It forms a culture where diverse views strengthen decisions, getting everyone on board for a strong and flexible team.

Tools and Techniques for High-Velocity Decisions

Make Speedy, Smart Choices: The 70% Rule in Action

The 70% Rule encourages making decisions with 70% of the information available, avoiding analysis paralysis. It prioritizes efficiency and action over exhaustive research. Here’s how to apply it:

  1. Focus on the Crucial 70%: Identify the key 70% of data you truly need for a well-informed decision. This could be market research, project costs, or competitor analysis. Don’t waste time on peripheral details.

  2. “Good Enough” Data is Actionable: Once you have the critical 70%, don’t wait for the remaining 30%. Analyze the data, find trends, and decide. Remember, perfect information might not exist, and delays can cost opportunities.

  3. Example: Snag a Deal: Considering buying a fixer-upper? Prioritize with the 70% Rule. What’s the after-repair value? What repairs are essential? Estimate those costs – that’s your 70%. Now, calculate a maximum offer and negotiate confidently, potentially securing a great deal before someone else does.

  4. Example: Buying a gadget: When buying a laptop, limit research time. Focus on key factors. These include performance, price, and reviews. After feeling 70% sure, make the purchase. This approach avoids getting overwhelmed by too much information.

With the 70% Rule, you embrace “good enough” data to make swift, informed decisions, avoiding analysis paralysis and seizing valuable opportunities.

Rapid Information Gathering: 

Beat Information Overload: Get Smart, Get Fast

Feeling overwhelmed by data? Here’s how to overcome the chaos and make rapid decisions:

Assemble Your A-Team: Surround yourself with a crew of reliable sources. These can be colleagues, online communities, or industry publications – anyone who consistently delivers the intel you need. They’re your go-to crew for staying in the know.

Talk it Up: Don’t be afraid to ask! Tap into your network – a quick call or message can unlock valuable insights. Remember, information shared is information gained!

Pre-Built for Speed: Templates serve as a powerful tool in managing data overload.. Create pre-formatted data sheets for common situations. This way, you can quickly slot in new information and analyze it on the fly. No more wasting time building spreadsheets from scratch.

Action Steps:

  1. Find 3 trusted sources for your field (colleagues, websites, etc.).
  2. Set up a quick communication channel with each source (email list, chat group).
  3. Create 1-2 pre-formatted data templates for common situations you face.


  • Action Step: Create pre-formatted data templates for common situations.
  • How to Do It:
    1. Identify when you need data for decisions.
    2. Write down what specific data you always need.
    3. Use a computer program like Excel to make a simple form.
    4. Make sure it’s easy to read and fill out.
    5. Save it where you can find it quickly.

Torn between new phones: Sarah texted her tech-savvy friend Mark for his top picks. With her pre-built phone comparison template, she quickly analyzed features and made a confident choice.

Dinnertime dilemma: John sought recommendations from the local foodie group, unearthing hidden Italian gems. His pre-formatted restaurant review template helped him compare options and choose the perfect place based on taste and budget.

HVDM to Navigate a Sudden Business Crisis

Eve, CEO of a tech startup, faced a crisis as a competitor launched a cheaper product.
She employed High-Velocity Decision Making (HVDM) by promptly assessing the crisis, using the 70% Rule to make a decisive pricing adjustment, and using strategic communication to highlight product benefits effectively.
Result: Eve’s rapid action preserved customer loyalty, mitigated competitive threat, and positioned her company as resilient and customer-focused.

By building your network, mastering communication, and using templates, you’ll transform from information overwhelmed to information empowered!

Communication Hacks:

  • Quick Meetings: Keep meetings short and to the point. Set goals and make sure everyone knows what needs to be done.
  • Chat Apps: Use tools like Slack or Teams to share info quickly. No more endless email chains!
  • Listen Up & Speak Up: Everyone should listen carefully and explain their ideas clearly. This avoids confusion.
  • Plans Make Perfect: Set meeting agendas beforehand. This keeps things on track and lets everyone participate.
  • Open Door Policy: Welcome questions, feedback and concerns.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Don’t let issues simmer. Talk regularly to keep projects moving smoothly.
  • Sharpen Your Skills: Offer training on communication techniques.  

Beyond the Basics: Mastering HVDM

Building a Culture of HVDM

To cultivate a High Velocity Decision Making (HVDM) culture:

  1. Celebrate rapid successes to reinforce agility.
  2. Encourage calculated risks to promote innovation.
  3. Normalize HVDM by embracing quick, informed decisions.
  4. Cultivate a psychologically safe environment for open communication.
  5. Encourage team members to voice concerns without fear.
  6. Emphasize learning from failures to iterate and improve.
  7. Provide support and resources for decision-making processes.
  8. Lead by example, demonstrating HVDM principles in action.

Example: A company recently celebrated a rapid increase in sales. Their product launch hit the market ahead of schedule, showcasing their agility. Encouraging engineers to experiment with new coding techniques, they developed an innovative feature. Users gave positive feedback, showing the benefits of calculated risks. During a critical client presentation, the CEO swiftly made a well-informed choice, securing a major contract. This shows the integration of High Velocity Decision Making across all levels of the organization.

Managing Uncertainty:  

If you feel overwhelmed by the unknown here’s how to navigate it with confidence:

Play the “What If” Game: Imagine potential roadblocks before they happen. Think “What if sales drop?” or “What if a competitor launches a similar product?” Brainstorm solutions for each scenario. This way, you’re prepared to adjust course if needed.

Goals & Adjustments: Set clear, measurable goals for your project. But remember, things can change! Establish a process for adjusting along the way. Schedule regular check-ins to review progress and find any roadblocks you brainstormed in your “what if” scenarios. Don’t be afraid to adapt your approach based on new information.

Embrace Flexibility: Uncertainty doesn’t have to be your enemy. It can be an opportunity to learn and grow. By being flexible and adaptable, you can turn unexpected challenges into successes.

Action Steps:

  1. List 3 potential challenges your project might face.
  2. Brainstorm solutions for each challenge.
  3. Schedule regular check-ins to review progress and adjust your plan as needed.

By developing “what if” scenarios, setting adaptable goals, and embracing flexibility, you can transform uncertainty from a threat to an opportunity for success.  

The Digital Age of Decision-Making

Big Data & AI: Your HVDM Powerhouse  

HVDM is a superpower if you are overwhelmed by data.  Big Data tools can analyze tons of info in seconds, helping you spot trends and make lightning-fast decisions. AI can be your secret weapon for tasks like:

  • Real-time market analysis: Know exactly what customers want, right now!
  • Predictive maintenance: Avoid costly breakdowns before they happen!

Imagine this: predictive data tells you of an incoming storm. AI algorithms can reroute deliveries efficiently. 

And the problem is solved! With Big Data and AI, you can make smart, swift choices that keep you ahead of the curve.

Putting AI into Action:
Pilot an AI-powered solution for a specific task (e.g., customer service chatbot) to experience its benefits firsthand. Analyze the results and integrate AI strategically into your HVDM process.

How to Put AI into Action? Here’s a simple, yet powerful, first step:

Test Drive AI!

Pilot a specific AI solution, like a customer service chatbot, to experience its benefits firsthand. See how it handles queries, freeing your team for complex issues.

Or pilot an AI-powered document processing tool! Train it on your existing formats and see it automatically extract key information, reducing errors and freeing your team for higher-value tasks.

Analyze & Integrate
Don’t stop there! Analyze the results. Did the AI save time? Improve customer satisfaction?

Seeing is believing! With this real-world experience, you can confidently integrate AI strategically into your High-Velocity Decision Making process. It’s your key to faster, smarter choices.

Diverse datasets are essential to counteract bias in AI algorithms. Human supervision is critical to ensuring AI enhances, rather than supplants, human judgment. Continuously monitor algorithms for biases to uphold fairness in decision-making processes.

Long-Term Impact:
Don’t rush blindly forward; consider the consequences. While rapid decisions are essential, take a moment for a quick long-term impact assessment. Imagine the decision unfolding over time: what ripple effects might occur? Are there potential unintended consequences downstream?

This brief analysis can be a game-changer. By identifying potential pitfalls, you can adjust your approach or even develop contingency plans. A few minutes invested upfront can save you significant headaches (and resources) later.

Ethical Considerations

Speed shouldn’t compromise your principles. Rapid decision-making demands heightened awareness of ethical implications. Consider how your choice might affect stakeholders, both directly and indirectly. Could it create unfair advantages or disadvantages? Are there potential biases influencing your rapid assessment?

Consider the impact of decisions on people and avoid harm. Prioritize their well-being and minimize negative effects. Act with integrity and responsibility, even when deciding quickly.

Taking a breath to ensure your decision aligns with ethical values won’t slow you down – it will make your fast track more responsible and sustainable.

HVDM vs Different Decision-Making Models

In addition to High-Velocity Decision Making (HVDM), there are several other decision-making models that individuals and organizations can use to address various types of problems and situations. These models offer different approaches and frameworks for analyzing decisions and identifying the most effective solutions. Here are a few examples:

  1. The 5 Whys: Identify root causes of problems. (Useful in troubleshooting operational issues in manufacturing or service industries.)
  2. Pros & Cons List: Weigh advantages and disadvantages of options. (Useful in personal decision-making such as buying a car or choosing a vacation destination.)
  3. Decision Tables: Visualize complex decision scenarios. (Useful in project management for evaluating alternative strategies or in financial planning for investment decisions.)
  4. Seeking Trusted Advice: Gain insights from experienced individuals. (Useful in career planning or business strategy development.)
  5. SWOT Analysis: Assess internal and external factors. (Useful in strategic planning for businesses or organizations.)
  6. Pareto Analysis (80/20 Rule): Prioritize actions based on significant factors. (Useful in quality management for identifying key areas for improvement.)
  7. Decision Trees: Analyze decisions in uncertain environments. (Useful in risk management for assessing potential outcomes of investment decisions.)
  8. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Quantify costs and benefits of options. (Useful in public policy decision-making or project evaluation.)
  9. Force Field Analysis: Understand driving and restraining forces. (Useful in organizational change management or conflict resolution.)

Comparing HVDM to other models:

  • HVDM emphasizes speed and adaptability in fast-changing environments.
  • Other models may involve more thorough analysis and structured approaches.
  • HVDM is suited for immediate action, while other models excel in stable or predictable situations.
  • Each model has specific applications, with HVDM best for rapid decision-making and other models for more comprehensive analysis and risk mitigation.

Final Thoughts

In summary, High-Velocity Decision Making (HVDM) is essential for quick and effective decisions in today’s fast-paced world. This article has shown how HVDM helps both professional and personal situations with practical tips and real-life examples.

Acting swiftly, taking calculated risks, and using available data are key. Embracing HVDM principles is crucial in our rapidly changing digital landscape. Don’t wait! Commit to practicing HVDM, and unlock the potential for improved efficiency, adaptability, and ultimately, success in achieving your goals.
Start by identifying your personal HVDM triggers and experiment with the 70% Rule today!


Decisive How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

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