Overwhelmed by Learning From Scratch? 15 Tips to Conquer the Challenge

In today’s fast-paced world, knowledge is power.

But with new information emerging rapidly, it can be daunting to keep up.
Learning new things from scratch can be overwhelming and stressful.

In this article, we will first quickly look at the reasons why we feel overwhelmed by learning from scratch and then will show you exactly how to overcome it.
Let us see how to learn without frustration with these techniques.

7 Reasons of Overwhelm

Abstract Concepts

Abstract concepts are difficult to understand because they are complex ideas.
They are not like real-world things that you can see and touch.
You need to think about it carefully to understand because they may have many different levels of meanings.
If we do not have similar concepts to relate to it may be overwhelming.
Example) Elementary school students may ask “What is the purpose of learning math? How will math serve me?


Breaking down complex subjects into smaller, digestible parts might be a challenge.
Think of knowledge like a pyramid – without a strong base or missing layers, the upper levels can appear overwhelming and complex.
Example) Learning AI and Machine Learning without knowing Statistics knowledge will be overwhelming and may not be possible.

Desire To Learn All – Perfectionism

In our fast-paced times, continuous learning became a necessity, because knowledge keeps expanding at a rapid rate.
We need to keep up to date by learning.
But extremely high expectations from us by ourselves or our family can be paralyzing, and cause overwhelm.
Perfectionism can make you so afraid of making a mistake that you are too scared to try anything new.

Information overload

In the 21st century, the amount of information available to us is increasing exponentially.
Because of that, there is a vast amount of information available on the internet and in libraries.
This can be stressful for a beginner who wants to find and process the most relevant and reliable information.

Example) There are hundreds of books, videos, courses on learning Website building.
Why are we so overwhelmed by the abundance of learning materials?
Because we are faced with multiple options, and we want to choose the best one.
We want to get the most value for our money, and we do not want to make the wrong decision and waste time.

Our Time and Energy Has Limitations

If the Amount of Learning Material exceeds our current time and energy limits, we may feel overwhelmed.
This is because our capacity to learn in a fixed amount of time is limited by our mental state and energy.
If we are faced with a situation where we need to learn or absorb many things quickly and stretch these limits, we may be overwhelmed.

Example) When I was traveling recently to some foreign country and going through customs, I used to see an officer checking my documents. But this time I discovered that almost all the process was automated. So, I had to go to a booth, scan my passport, and answer questions on the computer. Since I have not done this before, and I needed to do it correctly in a limited amount of time, I was overwhelmed.

Lack of guidance

When we are learning something from scratch, we may not always have access to a teacher or mentor who can provide guidance and support.
Without a mentor to show us the way and give us quick feedback on our work, we may feel lost and overwhelmed.

Fear of Failure

Fear can overwhelm us especially when we need to learn something or else there is a negative consequence.
It also makes it harder to learn because it is difficult to focus and retain information when we are afraid.

Colored rectangles showing various solutions


Reduce Number of Things You Need to Learn

If your goal is to learn all the current English Vocabulary (about 170,000 words) – that is overwhelming!
But chances are you do not really need to know all of them.
What is the Most Likely Consequence of Setting Unrealistic Goals

To reduce the number of elements you need to learn, select and focus on learning the most frequently used words first
According to a study, the 10,000 most frequently used words in English account for 98% of the words used in written text.
This means that if you learn these 10,000 words you will be able to understand almost any written text.

How to do it:
1. Find the essential parts of what you want to learn

2. Make a list of these points and prioritize

3. Start by learning the topics that are most important

Reduce Overwhelm Using 4s Words Framework

Not having boundaries to our learning can lead to a feeling of overwhelm.
First, we need to decide what exactly we want to learn and how much time we want to allocate in total to that project.

One very helpful framework is the 4S words, developed by Tom M. Sterner (explained in his book The Practicing Mind: Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life Master Any Skill or Challenge by Learning to Love the Process.)

The 4S framework consists of the four “S” words Simplify, Small, Short and Slow

1) Simplify: Simplify a learning project by breaking it down into components. Don’t set goals difficult to achieve for your level.
Example) I am going to learn beginner level Spanish (not I am going to learn perfect Spanish)

2) Small: Break the overall goal into small, easily achievable sections, each of which will be easier to focus. Now dealing with this small task is not overwhelming.
Example) I am going to learn most used 500 words or 100 essential grammar rules – each day I will learn 5 words and 5 grammar rules.

3) Short: Allocate a short duration for each section. This will make the task easier to focus on and your chances of finishing the task is much higher.
Example) I am going to spend 15 minutes every day on this task.

4) Slow: Do each task slowly and deliberately, without rushing and putting your awareness into it.
You may be surprised to see that you will accomplish the task faster and with less effort !
This is because you are using your energy more efficiently.

By following the 4S framework, we can make learning more manageable and less overwhelming.

Organize Learning Material More Palatable Way If You Are Overwhelmed by Learning From Scratch

Organizing learning material in an attractive way can help to reduce overwhelm.
If the learning material’s number of components and their relationships are too many, we may be overwhelmed by the confusion that is created.

Also, if the learning material is not well organized or is dense, that will affect our perception, which is the first step to understanding.

Here is how to do it:
1. Group related elements in chunks.
2. Draw the relationships between elements using colors, pictures, and graphics like arrows.

This will make learning material more palatable and less overwhelming.

Also, if you create a clean and organized learning environment, this will reduce overwhelm more.

Overwhelmed by Learning From Scratch pyramid representing hierarchy of learning

Sequence of Learning is Important

Most learning is sequential, meaning that you need to know something before you can learn the next thing. Like levels of a pyramid.
For example, if you try to learn differential equations without knowledge of algebra, you will be overwhelmed.
If you are confused about some material, it is a good idea to check to see if you are missing some prerequisite knowledge.

How to Leverage Your Prior Knowledge

When you are learning from scratch, one way to leverage your prior knowledge is to make analogies to things you already know.
This will build connections to your existing knowledge and make learning much easier.

Example) Learning about a new programming language:
If you know already (Java) , you might compare it to a programming language you already know( C++) .

Example) Learning new words in a language: (by making connections using the root, etymology, or similar sounds)
If you know that Root: aud means to hear and one word like audio, you can easily learn other words like audible, audience, auditory, audition

Example) Learning new concepts example anatomy
If you know basic machines you can think of Heart as a pump that circulates blood throughout the body like a pump circulates fluids in an engine.

See the Overall Context

Seeing the overall context is very useful for learning something new from scratch.
This is because systems are wholes that are composed of interrelated parts, according to Systems Theory.
What we are trying to learn from scratch is already part of some bigger system. (or interacting with another system)
If we have any knowledge of these related systems, we can transfer some of that knowledge and learn much more easily..

Example) If we try to learn French from scratch, knowing that it descended from Latin and Indo-European languages is helpful.
This is because English and French (like Portuguese, Italian , Spanish , and Romanian ) are sister languages.
This mean many words, grammar rules and even some of the Pronunciation are similar between these languages.

By understanding the overall context of what we are learning, we can make connections to existing knowledge and learn without much overwhelm.

Another way of seeing the context is drawing a simple Mind Map to find key areas of your material.
These will show you the main areas that are most important or used in the topic you are learning.
After drawing verify if those key points cover 80% of what you want to learn.
If there are some things that are not important for you to learn now, remove them from your learning list.

Overwhelm is a Sign of Growth

Overwhelm is a sign that we are reaching new territory, leaving our comfort zone, and confronting new information.
It is a sign that we are growing and expanding our knowledge.
Overwhelm can be turned to our advantage. Why ? Because it helps us to discover the gaps or boundaries of our knowledge.
Once we know what we don’t know, we can start to fill in the gaps and learn more.
Feeling of overwhelm can be accompanied by confusion caused by chaos.

However, by organizing new knowledge into key components and groups, and finding its relationship to our existing knowledge, we reduce overwhelm and assimilate new information more easily.

Process of learning new information

  1. Initial state: We receive a sudden or vast amount of new knowledge on top of our current knowledge.
    This can bring chaos and confusion, which results in overwhelm.
  2. Our actions: We organize new knowledge into key components and groups and find its relationships to our existing knowledge.
  3. Desired state: We can now easily assimilate new, well-organized knowledge.

How to make Learning Easier

Making learning easier is about building new connections in the brain and overcoming the overwhelm of encountering new information.
When you learn new material, some of it will not have any connections in your brain, and that will create discomfort.

Here are some steps to turn this chaos into organized knowledge:

  1. Collect information about what you don’t know.
  2. Identify the parts that are completely new to you. This will clarify the learning task.
  3. Replace complicated terminology with simple terms.
    Example) Instead of “Return on investment” call it “How much money you make from an investment”
  4. Look to see if there are any patterns you can recognize by relating to your prior knowledge in a similar area.
    Mark these relationships.
    Example) Some words and grammar rules in Spanish are very similar to English.
  5. Label and organize them into small groups.
    Example) Words, grammar rules, idioms, daily phrases, etc
  6. Congratulations ! Now the learning material is more organized and easier to study.

By following these steps, we can turn chaos state into organized knowledge and make learning easier.

How to Reduce Information Overload

When we want to learn a new skill or topic, our environment floods us with multiple offerings.
Books from different authors, videos, courses, podcasts..
In this age where current information is doubling every 12 hours, it is not possible to consume all the information that is produced,
Which ones we should choose?

In the end, they all teach the same concepts or information – in different formats and levels of complexity and quality.
We just need to be selective and filter different choices according to our needs.

Learning Anything From Scratch is Like Learning a Language

When you learn something new, there will be similar structures like letters of the alphabet, words, phrases, sentences in a language, and rules of grammar.

Think about your journey into language during your formative years—a complex process that unfolds gradually.
Like the stages of language acquisition, every new venture has its own progression:

A baby will not understand what you say.
Similarly, when you start something new, the initial confusion can be overwhelming.

A toddler starts to grasp some basic words and simple phrases.
In your chosen field, it is like understanding the basic concepts that initiate your journey.

A school age child can understand complex phrases in language but may not understand their true meanings.
At this stage in your pursuit of knowledge, you might struggle with complex theories and ideas.

As adults we have more experience with age, so we can comprehend more abstract concepts and nuances that once eluded us.
In your learning journey, once-ambiguous concepts start making sense.

To reduce feeling overwhelmed that is caused by not understanding the meaning of a complex topic, we need to know the fundamentals in their hierarchy.

Simplify Learning by Drawing Graphics

The human brain dedicates over 50% of its capacity to visual processing. This means that we learn best when information is presented in a visual format.

When faced with the challenge of learning something new, try drawing a picture or graphic.
Don’t worry about making it perfect or aesthetically pleasing. Simply focus on illustrating the primary elements of the concept and their relationships with each other.

Using geometric shapes, arrows and colors can help to create a non-linear representation that offers a holistic view of the concept.
This can be especially helpful for reducing the feeling of being overwhelmed.

It’s often said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This emphasizes the power of visual learning.

Find your Best Learning Mode by Using Various Learning Styles

If you are overwhelmed by learning from scratch, you can experiment with different learning methods to find what works best for you.
You can also combine different learning methods to create a more effective and engaging learning experience.

Do a hands-on activity or experiment
Role-play different scenarios

Listen to podcasts or audiobooks
Join a study group and discuss the material with others
Attend lectures or workshops with audio recordings

Read articles, books, or other written materials
Take notes on what you read
Summarize the key concepts in your own words
Write essays or reflections on what you have learned

Watch educational videos or documentaries
Watch video tutorials on how to do something related to the topic
Attend online courses or lectures with video recordings
Use video conferencing to discuss the material with others

Schedule your Learning

In this case we reduce overwhelm by extending the time limit.
Example) If you are a student and you need to pass an exam, leaving the study to the last few weeks or days before the exam and cramming will cause lot of stress and overwhelm.

But if you extend the study period over several weeks with shorter sessions, it will be less overwhelming and more efficient.
By extending the time limit for learning, we will have more time to break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable parts that are easier to digest.
And this can help reduce overwhelm and improve efficiency.

Group of students studying together

Learn faster with other people

Learning from scratch can be less daunting and easier when you have a community of learners to support you.
The synergy created by the group can help you learn faster.
A person who is more knowledgeable can explain some concept that is overwhelming to you.

There are a variety of online and offline communities where learners can connect with each other, ask questions, and share resources.
Example) If you are a beginner trying to learn to code from scratch you can join a coding bootcamp and find a community of supportive learners.

To speed up your learning even faster, you can get help from a mentor.
A mentor is a person who has already achieved what you want to achieve and is willing to help you.
You will also feel a sense of accomplishment by receiving quick feedback from your mentor and being rewarded for your learning.

Example) When you try to learn to cook as a beginner you join a cooking class and learn from a professional chef.

Overcoming Fear of Making Mistakes

We are taught to avoid making mistakes, but mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.
Similarly, adults can learn new things by making mistakes.

Babies learn to walk by making many mistakes. They fall, but they get back up and try again. Each time they fall, they learn a little bit more about how to balance and coordinate their movements. Eventually, through trial and error, they learn to walk successfully.

It is normal to feel fear when you step outside of your comfort zone, but the only way to cure fear is through action.
Susan Jeffers explains this idea in her famous book “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway”. She says that by doing the action you fear, the fear will eventually subside.

We can reduce fear by learning about how does the brain play into mindset

Managing Stress
Your ability to learn fluctuates depending on your stress levels. If you are tired, discouraged, anxious you may feel more overwhelmed compared to if you were rested.

This is because your capacity to perceive the overall picture is reduced when you are stressed.
When you’re stressed, your body releases a hormone called cortisol, which can make it hard to focus, remember things, and see the big picture.

If we relax and reduce anxiety using healthy methods like meditation, yoga, thai chi and exercise these will naturally increase our resilience and cognitive functions. When we can think better, we will be more able to cope with overwhelm by analyzing the situation and break it into small parts.

Taking breaks is also important. When you take a break, give yourself a chance to relax and clear your head.
You can get up and move around, go for a walk, do some stretches, read a book, listen to music, or spend time with loved ones.

Final Thoughts

Learning something entirely new is like stepping into the unknown. At the beginning, it’s normal to feel a little lost without any context or reference point.

But you now have some valuable tools to help reduce the stress that often comes with starting from scratch.

Keep in mind, you don’t need to have all the answers right away. The key is taking that initial step in learning and then making small adjustments as you go. Organizing your new knowledge as described with these tools can make the journey a lot lighter.

Learning is a journey, and by following the right steps consistently, you’ll reach your goal.
Best of luck on your learning adventure!

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