Enjoy the Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction

Forget the next viral trend, endless tweets, and fleeting soundbites.
Open a book and discover the most rewarding timeless truths hidden in quiet pages.. 

Let’s explore how, with various strategies and actionable tips, reading can sharpen our focus for effective action, ignite the creative fire for artistic expression, and cultivate empathy for a more connected world.

The Allure of Immersion 

Sensory and emotional pleasures of deep reading 

Unlike movies, which often spoon-feed pre-packaged sensory experiences, books offer an active, participatory journey. Reading a book is a more engaging and participative process. The mind creates the fictional world, becoming your personal theater. You translate written descriptions into visual representations, turning dialogs into speeches in your mind, and connect with, sometimes even living vicariously through the characters.

One experiences a range of emotions through reading. For instance, when I watched The Count of Monte-Cristo movie, I enjoyed it but craved more details. So, I delved into the original book, which was quite lengthy. From the very first page, I was hooked. The story was vivid with ideas, sensory details and dialogs that didn’t exist in the movie. Reading the book gave me a much more pleasurable experience than watching the movie. In fact, it was so well-written that I read it multiple times, savoring the narrative.

Since the invention of the printing press, books have become a way to escape the harsh realities of mundane life and live temporarily in the fictional world created by the author. People are always curious about other people’s lives, other places, and other times in history. If you are curious about how people lived in the 1200s outside Europe in the East, you could read Adventures of Marco Polo. Or if you wanted to escape into a world of imaginary little people, reading Gulliver’s Travels is a captivating option.

Deep reading as a refuge from distractions 

By reading, you build these imaginary worlds the author is describing in your mind. This requires you to be present in the moment.
You will notice when you are lost in other thoughts such as worrying about work or upset with someone.
You need focus to hold your attention on what you are reading and process it. But if the writing is complex, uninspiring, or dense, it will be difficult to maintain your focus. If the book is well written on a topic(s) you are interested in, it will be a pleasure to read it, because it will give you calmness, serenity, or a sense of escape.
And you will find gems of knowledge or wisdom consistently on every page.

A 2009 study by University of Sussex found that reading for just six minutes reduced stress levels by more than two-thirds. Reduced stress is directly linked to improved focus and a decrease in mind-wandering.

Digital overload is getting more intense everyday.
Are you tired of getting notifications, promotional email, each claiming they have the best system or product to solve some problem, hundreds of youtube videos or podcasts on various areas?
Turn off all these , grab a book to read, instead.
Forget chasing the latest shiny object, rest your mind by focusing on only one thing : reading a book you are interested in.

Craft Your Reading Oasis: Simple Steps for Reading Bliss

Turn any corner into a quiet escape for your next literary adventure with these easy tips:

  • Declutter & De-stress: Tidy things up! Put away distractions like phones and laptops. Leave only cozy items that make you happy.
  • Dim the Lights: Create a mellow mood with lamps or candles. Low lighting helps you get lost in the pages.
    Soft, warm lamps: Avoid harsh overhead lights and create a gentle glow for a more intimate reading experience.
    Fairy lights: String lights draped around your reading nook can add a touch of whimsy and magic.
    Natural light: Position your reading space near a window for a healthy dose of sunshine and a connection to the outdoors.
  • Silence the Noise: Turn off notifications for an uninterrupted reading experience.Put your phone on silent and consider noise-canceling headphones for extra peace.
  • Get Comfy:  Whether it’s a plush armchair, a cozy reading nook, or even a window seat bathed in natural light, choose furniture that supports your body. Ergonomically designed seating with good back and neck support can prevent discomfort during extended reading sessions.
    Pile on soft pillows and throws for extra snugness, and create a haven where you can curl up and let your imagination soar.
  • Sound:
    • Classical music: Calm and serene melodies like Bach’s Air on the G String can create a peaceful atmosphere.
    • Nature sounds: The gentle trickling of a fountain or the soothing hum of rain can transport you to a tranquil world.
    • White noise: This can block out distractions and help you focus on your book.
  • Scent:
    • Warm and cozy: Cinnamon or vanilla candles can evoke a sense of comfort and relaxation.
    • Invigorating: Peppermint or grapefruit essential oils can help you stay alert and focused. 

Remember, your reading nook should be a welcoming haven where you can relax and let your imagination soar. Now grab a book, get cozy, and enjoy!

The importance of dedicated reading time  

Well written books hold more value than most Internet resources.
For this reason, it is essential to cultivate ourselves by reading books regularly.”.
Many successful people in history were avid readers, consuming thousands of books in their lifetime.

If you want to benefit from reading and develop a reading habit, dedicate specific time to reading in your daily schedule

Picture this: you can read 50 books per year, by reading one per week!
If these were in your profession you would be almost an expert in your field within a year.

If you read fiction, imagine the wealth of emotions, ideas and wisdom you could accumulate by these 50 well curated books!

You can achieve this by reading just 30 pages per day, assuming an average book length of 200 pages.

However, it is important to resist multitasking while reading, as it divides attention..
To get full benefit of what you read and get immersed in that experience avoid doing other tasks or be distracted in your reading sessions.

Schedule dedicated time for reading. Treat it like a crucial meeting—no interruptions allowed. Focus on one task, silence notifications, and immerse yourself in the magic of uninterrupted reading. Make it a sacred, transformative experience.

Tech, the Double-Edged Sword  


Before the ebook, moving your physical books library to another place was difficult and expensive.
I still remember collecting the weekly prints of Encyclopedia Britannica for years and have them binded into tomes. Now, the weight of 20 tomes can fit into your pocket device.
E-books definitely made it easy to access books, reading and especially being able to carry thousands of books in your pocket device.
There are versatile devices from your smartphone to laptop to specific e-book reading devices like Kindle. Please note that some readers may miss the tangible feel of a physical book or face challenges like eye strain from prolonged screen time. E-ink readers are better for that.


Advancements in technology have also made it easy to listen to audiobooks on your devices
Before the 2000s, there were companies specializing in audio learning, producing these programs on older technologies like cassette tapes in the 1980s and CDs in the 1990s.
Now, the latest streaming technologies have made these obsolete. You can easily download an audio file from the Internet and listen on your smartphone or your personal computer.

Online communities

Online book communities bring readers together, allowing them to discuss and recommend books. Embrace technology to connect with fellow readers globally and enhance your reading experience. Technology can be a friend that enriches our love for books within these virtual spaces.

  • Goodreads: Dive into genre-themed groups and reading challenges for a vibrant bookish community.
  • Reddit Reading Threads: Active discussions and valuable discoveries in subreddits dedicated to specific genres.
  • Book Blogs: Personalized recommendations and engaging content from kindred bookish spirits.
  • Social Media Book Clubs: Share your reading journey and connect with fellow bookworms online.
  • Literary Discord Servers: Join virtual reading squads to chat, discuss, and share book-related memes. 

Strategies for Responsible Technology Use  

In the digital age, technology can be both a helpful tool and a distraction from reading.
But fear not, book lovers! We can use technology responsibly to stay focused on our books.

Apps like Freedom or Forest help silence distractions, allowing us to enjoy our stories without interruptions.

Time management tools like Todoist or Trello help us create dedicated reading time in our schedule. 

Remember, notifications are optional – you don’t have to respond immediately. Set clear boundaries by silencing alerts and avoiding constant browsing. With a little discipline, technology can enhance our reading experience rather than take away from it. The story in your hands is waiting, and by managing technology wisely, you can fully enjoy your literary adventures.

The Ripple Effect of Reading

Benefits of reading  

Beyond escapism, entertainment and expanding your knowledge, reading is a hidden gym for your mind. Research paints a compelling picture of the cognitive benefits a dedicated avid reader reaps. Memory, for instance, gets a significant boost. Studies by the University of Illinois revealed that regular reading strengthens verbal recall, particularly for details and complex narratives. Similarly, a York University study showed that reading fiction enhances vocabulary, as you absorb new words and their diverse contexts.

But the benefits extend beyond language skills. Reading also cultivates empathy. A Stanford University study found that those who engaged with emotionally resonant fiction displayed increased activity in brain regions associated with empathy and social cognition. And it’s not just a transient effect: a University of Edinburgh study suggests that sustained reading can lead to long-term improvements in overall cognitive function, including reasoning, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

So, the next time you pick up a book, know that you’re not just indulging in pleasure, you’re engaging in a powerful brain workout. With each turned page, you’re strengthening your memory, expanding your vocabulary, cultivating empathy, and sharpening your cognitive prowess.

Reading strengthens focus and concentration  

Reading teaches us to maintain focus on the page, tuning out distractions.
When you immerse yourself in a captivating story or learning a topic you are interested in, you will discover a newfound ability to ignore the continuous notifications, emails, and fleeting thoughts. 

According to studies, our attention spans decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8.25 seconds in 2015, shorter than a goldfish!

In contrast to digital apps intentionally engineered to grab and divide our attention with random notifications, reading practice teaches us to focus for longer periods.

This practice of immersive reading will create a shield of concentration around you.

Sharing the Page : The joy of connecting with other readers

Reading may often be a solitary pursuit, but its power to connect us is undeniable. 

Book clubs offer cozy corners where fellow bookworms gather, sipping tea and diving into lively discussions.

Online communities span continents, their threads brimming with shared passions and literary discoveries. Even a simple recommendation to a friend holds the potential to spark a shared journey, a bond forged through whispered words and turned pages.

In these shared spaces, book characters come alive. We laugh at their jokes, puzzle over their choices, and swap theories about their fates. Recommendations turn into gifts, passed with simple words “You have to read this!” Each shared page builds a bridge, drawing us closer through stories and understanding.

Even when we read alone, we are never truly isolated. Sharing the page is a reminder that stories have the power to bind us together, one page at a time.

Unique insights and perspectives through shared reading 
Sharing enhances the experience of reading, whether delving into fictional adventures or exploring real-world insights. Book clubs become lively hubs where various perspectives on historical events and scientific theories mingle. Each different viewpoint acts like a tool, breaking down our assumptions and revealing deeper insights.

Discussing a self-help book can unveil unexpected applications, and analyzing a political biography may reveal hidden motives. Facts and figures blend with personal experiences, creating a tapestry of knowledge richer than individual threads. In these exchanges, we not only uncover the nuances of the text, but also gain a broader view of the world, reflected in the kaleidoscope of our fellow readers’ minds.  

Diverse interpretations
Reading enriches us, whether we journey through fictional worlds or explore factual landscapes. Book clubs become hives of buzzing conversation, with diverse interpretations of historical events, scientific theories, or even fictional characters. Each perspective acts like a lens, sharpening our own views and inviting deeper understanding.

Discussing a captivating novel can spark empathy and broaden our worldview. Soon, facts and personal experiences weave a richer tapestry of knowledge, drawing us closer to the text and to each other.

In these shared spaces, we not only delve into the written word, but also expand our sense of the world, seeing it through the diversity of our fellow readers’ minds. Shared reading serves like a bridge, linking us through stories, knowledge, and understanding, one page at a time.

Book Recommendations

Non-Fiction – Personal Growth

  • Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl: This powerful memoir by a Holocaust survivor explores the profound importance of finding meaning in life, even amidst suffering. It’s a testament to resilience and the human spirit’s ability to overcome.
  • The Histories by Herodotus Father of history Herodotus journeys through ancient empires, weaving tales of war, culture, and the enduring human story
  • Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert: This practical and inspiring guide encourages readers to embrace their creativity and pursue their passions with confidence. It’s lighthearted, relatable, and packed with practical advice for overcoming fear and living a more fulfilling life.
  • Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck: This groundbreaking book explores the concept of growth mindset versus fixed mindset and how your beliefs about your abilities can impact your success. It’s empowering and offers practical strategies for cultivating a growth mindset.
  • The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy: This book dives into the power of small, consistent actions over time and how they can lead to massive success in any area of life. It’s motivating and full of actionable tips for making sustainable changes.
  • I Could do Anything if I Only Knew What it Was by Barbara Sher Uncover your passions and turn them into fulfilling goals.
  • ThinkerToys by Michael Michalko Spark your creativity and problem-solving skills with playful brain exercises.
  • One Small Step Can Change Your Life – The Kaizen Way by Robert Maurer Implement the Kaizen philosophy for continuous improvement and lasting change.
  • The Practicing Mind by Thomas M. Sterner Develop a focused and efficient mindset for mastering any skill.
  • The Art of Innovation by Tom Kelley Learn the secrets of generating and implementing groundbreaking ideas.
  • The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle Discover the hidden patterns behind peak performance and unlock your own potential.
  • Skip The Line by James Altucher Embrace unconventional strategies and leapfrog your competition to success.
  • Law of Success by Napoleon Hill Apply Napoleon Hill’s timeless principles to achieve personal and professional goals.

Classic Fiction

  • The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas: This epic tale of betrayal, revenge, and redemption features adventure on the high seas, a thrilling escape from prison, and ultimately, a message of forgiveness and hope.
  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare: This whimsical comedy with fairies, mistaken identities, and magical transformations. 
  • Les Misérables by Victor Hugo: This sweeping historical novel paints a vivid picture of 19th-century France and tells the interconnected stories of characters driven by love, poverty, and revolution. It’s a testament to the enduring power of compassion and the human spirit.
  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë: Powerful story of a woman’s journey to self-discovery and love.
  • War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy: This masterpiece of Russian literature explores themes of love, war, and family against the backdrop of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia. It’s a complex and rewarding read that offers profound insights into human nature.
  • Martin Eden by Jack London: This semi-autobiographical novel depicts Martin’s rise from poverty to literary success through sheer determination and hard work. It’s a story of love, struggle, and the pursuit of artistic expression.
  • The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck: A stark and powerful portrayal of the Dust Bowl migration during the Great Depression, highlighting the struggles and resilience of the American working class.
  • The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery: A heartwarming adventure with a tiny prince, rediscovering life’s magic through childlike wonder and wise friendships.
  • Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse: This introspective novel follows the spiritual journey of a young man in ancient India as he searches for meaning and enlightenment. It’s a timeless story about self-discovery and finding one’s place in the world.
  • One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez: A magical realist masterpiece weaving family history, mythology, and political commentary into a captivating blend.
  • My Sweet Orange Tree” by José Mauro de Vasconcelos Classic Brazilian story of a boy’s journey through poverty, friendship, and the transformative power of love and imagination.
  • The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers Exploring the quest for love and passion in the stifling ambiance of a Southern small town, this tale portrays interconnected lives. Characters grapple with loneliness and yearning, weaving a narrative that delves into the complexities of human emotions.


  • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries: Build, test, and iterate your business on a shoestring budget for rapid growth.
  • Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey A Moore: Bridge the gap between early adopters and the mainstream market for lasting success.
  • Magnetic Marketing by Dan Kennedy: Attract clients and build a thriving business with irresistible marketing strategies.
  • Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne: Create your own uncontested market space and escape the red ocean of fierce competition.
  • Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got by Jay Abraham: Maximize your potential and achieve extraordinary results in any area of life.
  • The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason: Learn ancient secrets to wealth creation and financial independence.
  • Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur
    Design, test, and launch winning business models with this practical guide.


  • The Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
    Journey through Paramahansa Yogananda’s extraordinary life and discover the power of yoga.
  • Living With The Himalayan Masters by Swami Rama Explore the wisdom and practices of high-level spiritual teachers.
  • The Art of Being and Science of Living by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
    Learn how Transcendental Meditation technique improves every area of life and brings deep inner peace and fulfillment.

These are just a few humble recommendations from an avid reader like myself. There are countless other amazing reads out there!

Final Thoughts

The pleasures of reading in an Age of Distraction are numerous. It provides an immersive escape and offers cognitive benefits.

Crafting a dedicated reading oasis and responsibly embracing technology enhance this experience. Sharing the page connects us globally. As we delve into diverse genres, each turned page becomes a bridge, fostering unity and understanding. Happy reading!


Goodreads: Social networking site for book lovers
Reddit/r/books The largest subreddit for books, covering all genres and topics.
How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading by Mortimer J. Adler & Charles Van Doren
Amazon Kindle e-ink e-book reader

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